Monday, December 04, 2006

Side by Side...

My special girl saw this somewhere in the net and dropped it in my inbox yesterday. You gotta love these guys for their inventiveness and passion for the great outdoors and cycling. The camper bike rocks but does it have to be so wide? Actually I think its perfect without the bit he plans to add to the back theres plenty of room for your tent, cooler, tools and other bits and pieces back there. If you put a roof style thingy on it you could cycle in all weathers. The next two links are about a dude that has been spotted all up and down the west coast of the US riding a totally modified (pedal powered) compact living unit. He is the true modern nomad in my opinion. Of late he has been experiencing technical difficulties for which he is seeking assistance. We have been staying in of late mostly playing with the Curbly site and planning various other projects and trips and talking about the future. My girl has been expressing an interest lately in purchasing a tandem of some sort for next spring and summer, if she's serious I cant wait to hit the road and explore the Rhone Alps region by bike.

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