Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wednesday, Halfway to the Weekend...

Hello everybody, another Wednesday. Ive been surfing quite a bit lately devoting lots of time to Curbly and Ive kinda gotten trapped in a reverse sleeping pattern again. My day typically starts at about six o'clock when I get up and have breakfast and read the news through my RSS feeds before having a shower and going to the local convenience store to buy enough booze and munchies to last the night. I return from the shop and typically my special girl rises from her slumber before we both become one with our laptops and surf the night away trading links and discussing topics we have encountered on our adventures in cyberspace. I haven't been out been out and about on my wire donkey as much as I would like due to my schedule apart from a brief trip to a factory occupied by a number of Lyon art collectives last week to discuss other projects I am currently working on. My parents are visiting my adopted city this weekend to see me and to experience the Fete du Lumieres, I hope they like the food and drink and the laid back lifestyle as much as I do.

The only news I have that is bike related is this colourful group. My girl spotted it while surfing, it seems to be some sort of bike modification cult/gang in Japan. I love the Japanese for this kind of thing I don't understand what a culture has to experience for this sort of activity to flourish but its wonderful to see people express themselves all the same.

As I said before I planned to do more posts with an environmental slant in the future. Today I would like to impart the news that Boeing-Spectrolab have developed a solar panel that is 40.7% efficient which is a huge increase from the 12-18% efficiency rating found in modern panels currently available to the public. Hopefully companies will move away from silicon panels in favor of polymer based models in the future to reduce the environmental impact of the construction process.

The other day I came across this design company which produce a range of different item a few of which are bikes. I don't know if they are available for purchase but I like them anyway.

Until next time, bye bye.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're happy to have you on Curbly ;)