The City of Lights & RV Bikes To A Rave
Well, it has been a while. I've been incognito on here for a couple of months and was hesitating to return.
I love the premise of this blog but I can't see myself constantly referring to cycling related info when a big part of this space represents RV and me figuring out this twist on our long distance relationship. At the same time I hate going on too much about the personal and feel that when we do have visitors, they'll be bored. I don't know. I suppose the best is just to be honest. Nonetheless, RV's Girl is back!
On a lighter note, we just came back from a second trip to " jolie" Paris. The experience was like living in a 2 part series of RV's first time in the City of Lights. The lucky bastard got a first glimpse of the many funky sidestreets and hidden treasures of the beautiful city while bypassing all the usual tourist crowds/joints thanks to yours truly (hey I had to learn after many years of living here!). We walked our butts off, one day reaching 10 hours of wandering the left to right banks, back and forth, back and forth, until I almost went into hysteria at being stuck in the bourgeois quarters of Madeleine and the Concorde. We saw a couple of gigs and ate in many great restaurants with never a good bottle of wine too far or a whisky too close. Finding a tiny place inside this giant metropolis is so special especially when you have someone to share it with.
But, I have to mention that we saw a full rack of Paris public bikes near the Bastille that was completely full. I automatically thought it was strange considering that here, you always see a public bike rack almost empty. Seeing so many cyclists in the Capital though made me wonder if they all just owned their bikes and had no need for free bikes or perhaps that tourists are just too damned scared of cycling in the crazy Parisian traffic! Point is, all cities should be on free bike programs, amongst other related changes taking place in using biodeisel for public transport AND making public transport planning/construction more reliable (Read=Dublin).
The other bike news I have for today is that after we came back from Paris Friday,
we had planned to have a big night out Saturday to see a wicked DJ that we both admire. I felt very homesick though (meaning wanting to do nothing but write, goof around on my comp and stay in my pajamas) but felt if I didn't go, it would stop RV from going. In the end with some grumpy perseverance and a need for some time alone, I convinced RV to get his butt out into the city, all by himself to French-y his way through the city. He then surprised me by complying AND by taking his bike!! Yay Bikey was liberated from the confines of my dusty balcony and dead leaves! I really thought that was awesome and the only casualty wasn't his liver but his stolen pump (what loser would steal a bike pump at a rave??)! So there you go, RV biked to a big rave and back, how cool.
Well, It's now almost 9am and I haven't slept since last night so I better go. Back Soon, promise.
-RV's Girl
Listening to Eels
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