I love you...
Big hugs, your girl.
-RV Girl
Listening to Quintron / OOIOO
[23:45:02] RV says: im laughing because i think myy parents are sick of --- ------- *(on TV)
[23:46:30] RV Girl says: finally!
[23:46:31] RV says: the only prob is they turn on ---`---- instead
[23:46:46] RV Girl says: ahahaha they hv terrible tv choices im sorry
[23:47:52] RV says: its either that or they watch the gay public access channel and the funny thing is i dont think they know its a gay channel
[23:48:13] RV says: they never stay up late enough to see the gaynetwork ads
[23:48:25] RV Girl says: lol
[23:48:42] RV Girl says: how unintentionally progressive of them
[23:48:53] RV says: true
[23:49:06] RV Girl says: its like having u as a son ;-)
[23:49:56] RV says: yeah how did theyend up with a new age techno hippy like me
[23:50:06] RV says: what went wrong
[23:50:29] RV Girl says: ??? no idea but i like it!
[23:50:45] RV Girl says: maybe you and i were made in some laboratory but your a newer version
[23:50:54] RV says: were did a unique lil thing like u come from
[23:50:56] RV Girl says: somewhere in antarctica or something
[23:51:02] RV says: in a tube
[23:51:10] RV says: different batches tho
[23:51:19] RV Girl says: who sponsored the program and why???
[23:51:22] RV says: i was made by the work experience student
[23:52:07] RV says: we're like the manchurian candidates except neohippy nomad geeks
[23:52:21] RV says: bringing down the liberal world from the inside
[23:52:27] RV Girl says: lol
[23:52:32] RV says: we just havent been activated yet
[23:52:47] RV says: waiting for the code word
[23:53:00] RV Girl says: shit wonder what it is
[23:53:08] RV says: something weird
[23:53:17] RV Girl says: will we go crazy and take over the world in the thousands
[23:53:33] RV Girl says: does that mean i have to have ur offspring?
[23:53:34] RV says: probably something we'll never hear unleswe're in achurch
[23:53:51] RV says: maybe u must have my offspring
[23:53:57] RV says: more little ones
[23:54:02] RV Girl says: i was always suspect of that metal plate in ur head....
[23:54:11] RV Girl says: wheres my implant i wonder
[23:54:23] RV says: its a radio i can hear russian stuff
[23:54:35] RV says: under ur birthmark
[23:54:40] RV Girl says: lol no way
[23:54:44] RV says: but the spanking broke it
[23:54:47] RV Girl says: no wonder i like being spanked
[23:54:50] RV Girl says: ahaha
[23:55:03] RV says: ur a defective model a rogue agent
[23:55:10] RV Girl says: aw fuck so typical
[23:55:19] RV says: u were never meant to end up with another agent
[23:55:30] RV Girl says: i see.....
[23:55:34] RV says: it messes up the plan
[23:55:50] RV Girl says: will we have to go into hiding
[23:55:59] RV says: yes certainly
[23:56:15] RV says: ill be raoul u can be conchita
[23:56:36] RV Girl says: ok raoul
-RV Girl
Listening to Broken Social Scene
The Guardian has been running a online series called, “NetJetters”, for some time now. Recently, Susan Greenwood won the competition to promote eco-friendly travel by cycling through America, East to West. You can read about her 3 month journey here on her blog.
Two Americans hatched a plan to raise awareness for the benefits of cycling by traveling cross country on bike. Read about their ongoing trip here. You can listen to their audio blog here.
Just a really cool looking bike from China posted on Make Magazine's flickr site. You can see the original post here.
And to end this short post, here is a beautiful essay titled, “The Joy of Cycling with Beckett”, written by German writer Friedhelm Rathjen.
- RV Girl
[00:36:37] RV Girl says: what do u think about
[00:36:54] RV says: all kinds of random things
[00:36:58] RV says: i very scattered
[00:37:00] RV Girl says: like....
[00:37:04] RV Girl says: for example
[00:37:28] RV says: i think of u i think of the future i think of the end i think of the journey
[00:37:43] RV says: i want the feeling
[00:37:59] RV says: i want you
[00:38:31] RV says: i think alot about failure
[00:38:42] RV says: ithink alot about death
[00:39:09] RV says: i dwell on the beauty and horror of our personalites
[00:39:21] RV says: we are meant for each other
[00:39:37] RV says: but it will not always be easy i know
[00:40:00] RV says: i want to tell u all even if it not make sense sometimes
[00:40:35] RV says: i need you otherwise i will grow slower
[00:41:02] RV says: im tired of waiting for change i need to act i need to do more for others
[00:41:11] RV says: i start by doing more for u
[00:41:25] RV says: i do ten things
[00:42:34] RV Girl says: ok....
- RV Girl
Listening to Mornington Crescent – Belle & Sebastian
Interesting, I just got a drunken phone call from RV as I was writing this...
He doesn't do this often so what this basically means is he's just enjoying himself ,which he totally deserves, yet he is so ecstatic he must call me because he can't write on his bumpy ride home a similar sweet text. I find it hilarious! You drunk boy, I love you.
So I think I found us a home this week. I've been racing all over town looking for a cheap but funky pad to adopt. The price is reasonable but if you saw this humble palace on the walk up to the 5th floor, you'd be impressed. It has alot of potential and loads of character. I told RV I was already planning my interior design as the current tenant was talking to me...I like decorating. It is spectacular, small, perfect. I cannot wait to make it ours.
Looks like I've got a mini trip again through Switzerland next week. The destination is a neighboring town close to Zurich. It will be my first time there and by cheap train, about 7 hours travel. I'm excited because I am working on a film project there and gifting a painting I created for a friend's birthday. I am really enjoying these spontaneous creation inspired travels. The other evening my kitchen was defaced by another artist friend. I've got graffiti at home!
Art everywhere, that's the idea...
31 days left RV.
-RV Girl
Listening to Syd Matters
"To be a cyclist is to be a student of pain....at cycling's core lies pain, hard and bitter as the pit inside a juicy peach. It doesn't matter if you're sprinting for an Olympic medal, a town sign, a trailhead, or the rest stop with the homemade brownies. If you never confront pain, you're missing the essence of the sport. Without pain, there's no adversity. Without adversity, no challenge. Without challenge, no improvement. No improvement, no sense of accomplishment and no deep-down joy. Might as well be playing Tiddly-Winks."
“If you worried about falling off the bike, you’d never get on.”
"The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community."